- 坦桑尼亚 Winza 红宝石与蓝晶石标本 Ruby and Kyanite Specimen from Winza, Tanzania
- Greenland Corundum (Variety: Ruby) Specimen 刚玉(红宝石品种)标本
- Austria Corundum (Variety: Ruby) with Graphite and Pyrite 刚玉(红宝石品种)伴石墨和黄铁矿
- India Corundum (Variety: Ruby) with Pyrite and Sphalerite 刚玉(红宝石品种)伴黄铁矿和闪锌矿
- Rubies of the Kokcha Valley, Badakhshan, Afghanistan 阿富汗
- Republic of Karelia, Russia Corundum (Variety: Ruby) Specimen刚玉(红宝石品种)标本 1
- Republic of Karelia, Russia Corundum (Variety: Ruby) Specimen刚玉(红宝石品种)标本 2